Check if you can make an escalation request

Check if you can make an escalation request to get your application urgently assigned to an immigration officer.

In some cases you can make an escalation request, so we allocate your application as priority to an immigration officer.

Escalation for urgent applications

Check if you can make an escalation request for your application.

*Required field

Reason for your request


Your reason must be:

  • compelling or very important personal circumstances
  • humanitarian factors, or
  • matters of national interest.

You will need to provide evidence of your reason. 

We do not consider travel bookings alone to be a reason for urgent allocation.

Application details

We usually cannot accept escalation requests for applications submitted less than 5 days ago. This is to give enough time for the application to be properly entered into our system.


Search for your occupation on the Green list.

Green List roles


Check the wage rates for your visa.

Wage rate requirements for visas

About you

How to submit an escalation request

Check how to submit an escalation request.

Make your escalation request