Escalation for urgent applications

Request to have your application allocated urgently for assessment using our visa escalation process.

How we allocate applications

We usually allocate applications for visas, employer accreditation and Job Checks by the date we receive them, from the oldest first. When we allocate an application, it means we assign it to an immigration officer to start assessing it.

Processing in a timely and efficient manner is a priority for us, and we aim to make efficiencies in our processing where we can.

We allocate AEWV applications across the 3 gateways in a flexible and considered way so we can be as efficient as possible, while maintaining the appropriate risk settings and quality of decision making. For example, grouping applications, and allocating these to a specific team to assess them at the same time - such as where the applicant is from the same sector or location, or are in similar situations.

Applications that include the required evidence and documentation will be prioritised.

This means more applications across the AEWV gateways can continue to be assessed, and enables us to make more visa decisions.

Current application priorities

Even if your application is allocated first it does not necessarily mean it will be decided in that order. The quality and completeness of any application has a direct impact on how long it takes for the application to be decided.

How long it takes to process an application

In some cases you can make a request for urgent allocation, so we can allocate your application as a priority to an immigration officer. This request is called an 'escalation request'. We follow our visa escalation process to assess your request.

Visa escalation process

If you meet the all the criteria, you can send an email to make an escalation request. Your request goes to our visa escalation team to assess. The team will let you know if your request is accepted or not.

Check if you can submit an escalation request

Check if you can make a visa escalation request


We do not consider travel bookings alone to be a reason for urgent allocation.

We usually cannot accept escalation requests for applications submitted less than 5 days ago. This is to give enough time for the application to be properly entered into our system.

If we have already assigned your application to an immigration officer, we cannot escalate it because it is already being assessed.

Criteria for an escalation request

Your escalation request must have a compelling or very important reason for your application to be allocated urgently. This includes:

  • compelling personal and business circumstances
  • humanitarian factors, and
  • matters of national interest.

Prioritisation for Green List roles

Your Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) application or Job Check will be prioritised if it includes all required information, and is for a Green List role. You do not need to request an escalation.

Green list roles

Other requirements

There are additional requirements and criteria for some applications. Check the following situations.

Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) balance

Applications for the AEWV balance with a reused job token go into a queue. We will generally only start processing AEWV balance applications when the current AEWV expiry date is within the next 9 months.

If your application is in the queue, escalation requests for you and any partner or children are unlikely to meet the requirements for escalation, as your visas are still valid for 9 months or more.

Applying for your AEWV balance

Student visas


You must include information that shows your application meets our criteria for escalation. The start date of your study alone is unlikely to meet our criteria.

Escalation criteria

We will consider the following when evaluating escalation requests for student visas:

  • The time of application – did the student apply in good time (at least 6 weeks before the intended travel date)
  • The intake or start date of the programme of study, and
  • Any matters of national interest, significant personal or business circumstances or humanitarian factors.

Escalation relates to the allocation of your application only. If you have applied for a student visa at one of the Universities or Te Pūkenga providers, please contact your education provider before proceeding with escalation.

We are currently receiving a large number of escalation requests and not all are able to be accepted. Consider the specifics of the case before submitting an escalation request, and make sure you provide as much information as possible.

Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa, Straight to Residence Visa, and Work to Residence Visa

On 29 September 2023 we changed how we prioritise skilled residence applications. This affects Work to Residence, Straight to Residence and the Skilled Migrant Category Resident visas.

We will allocate your application for processing before other skilled residence applications if you meet any of the following criteria.

  • You have an occupation on the Tier 1 Green List.
  • You are paid 3 times the median wage.
  • You are a Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa applicant with 6 points without work experience.

Read the Amendment Circular for more details.

Amendment Circular 2023-35

Wage rate requirements for visas

You can make an escalation request for these visa types if you meet any of these criteria. You must still meet all other criteria for an escalation request.

Supporting visa applications for your partner or dependent children

If you are supporting a partner or dependent child's visa application, you can only request an escalation for their visa after your visa application has been approved. 

You must still meet all the criteria for an escalation request.

Visitor visa or Permanent Resident Visa

The visa escalation team does not assess email requests for urgent allocation of a visitor visa or Permanent Resident Visa. This is because of the large number of requests we get.

How to request urgent allocation for these visas depends on if you are from the Pacific or outside the Pacific.

Applications from the Pacific

If you are from the Pacific and need to request urgent allocation for a visitor visa or Permanent Resident Visa, contact our Pacific visa escalations email address:

You must still meet all other criteria for an escalation request.

The countries and territories in the Pacific are:

  • American Samoa
  • Cook Islands
  • Federated States of Micronesia
  • Fiji
  • French Polynesia
  • Kiribati
  • Marshall Islands
  • Nauru
  • New Caledonia
  • Niue
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Samoa
  • Solomon Islands
  • Tonga
  • Tuvalu
  • Vanuatu

Applications from outside the Pacific

If you are from outside the Pacific and need to request urgent allocation for a visitor visa or Permanent Resident Visa, call the Immigration Call Centre:

Contact us

You must still meet all other criteria for an escalation request

Make your escalation request

If you meet the criteria for an escalation request, you can send your request to our escalations team.

Who can make a request

To make an escalation request for your application, you must be:

  • the main applicant on the application form, or
  • the legal representative or licensed immigration adviser for the main applicant.

How to make a request

Send your request to:

You need to include:

  • applicant's first name and last name
  • application number
  • applicant's passport number
  • applicant's date of birth
  • applicant's INZ client number — if you know it
  • why you need the application urgently allocated — explain why there are compelling or very important personal circumstances, humanitarian factors, or matters of national interest
  • documents of evidence supporting your request.

We assess your escalation request

When we assess escalation requests, we check that there are:

  • compelling or very important personal circumstances
  • humanitarian factors, or
  • matters of national interest.

We look at:

  • the information in the request including any supporting documents, and
  • the circumstances of the application.

We let you know if your request is accepted or declined

The visa escalation team will email you to let you know if your request is accepted or not. This normally takes 2 to 5 working days.

If we accept your request, we will let you know in the email when we are likely to start assessing your application.

You can check your visa application status at any time.

Checking your visa application status

We escalate your application

If we accept your request, we allocate your application as a priority to an immigration officer.


If we accept your escalation request, it does not mean we will also approve your application. It also does not mean the time we need to assess your application will be shorter.

We assess all applications using our normal processes, criteria and times.