The documents you can provide include:
- previous or current employment agreements
- job contracts
- a summary of income from Inland Revenue.
If you provided these documents with your most recent work visa application only provide them again if something like your pay and conditions have changed since you applied for your work visa.
Things an employment agreement must contain — Employment New Zealand
Request a summary of income — Inland Revenue
When we assess your application, we may ask for more evidence such as bank statements or pay slips showing your salary payments.
Your job
You must have worked in New Zealand in a full-time care workforce role as a:
- Māori Health Assistant — Kaiawhina (Hauora)
- Disabilities Services Officer
- Residential Care Officer
- Aged or Disabled Carer
- Nursing Support Worker
- Personal Care Assistant
- Therapy Aide
- Child or Youth Residential Care Assistant, or
- Diversional Therapist.
If your role is removed from the care workforce list after you start working, your time in that role still counts towards your 24 months.
Care workforce sector wage rate
You must have been paid at least:
- NZD$27 an hour (or the equivalent salary) between 29 September 2021 and 30 June 2022, or
- NZD$28.25 an hour (or the equivalent salary) from 1 July 2022.
Wage rate requirements for visas
Calculating 24 months' work
You must have worked in a care workforce role for at least 24 months in the 30 months before you apply. You can start counting your 24 months' work any time on or after 29 September 2021.
To make up the 24 months you can:
- have been working in care workforce roles for 24 months
- count annual, bereavement or other leave you are legally entitled to, such as parental leave
- complete it in several stretches — for example, you could work for 2 lots of 12 months with a gap of 6 months in between
- work for some of the time in a role that is not in the care workforce, but it must be:
- in Tier 2 of our Green List of in-demand roles
- a transport sector role, or
- a role that paid at least twice the median wage.
Green list roles
Transport Work to Residence Visa