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V3.10 Partners and dependent children of student or work visa holders

Subject to the provisions of E4.5:

  1. Partners (see E4.1.20) of student or work visa holders may be granted visitor visas if that type of visa is appropriate to their needs for the currency of the partner's visa.
  2. Dependent children (see E4.1.10) of student or work visa holders may be granted visitor visas if that type of visa is appropriate to their needs for the currency of the parent's visa.
  3. Despite (a) and (b) above, partners and dependent children are not eligible for the grant of a visa under these instructions if the supporting partner or parent was granted a visa under the following instructions:
    1. Foreign Crew of Fishing Vessels (see WJ); or
    2. Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) (see WH1); or
    3. Supplementary Seasonal Employment (SSE) (see WH3); or
    4. Skilled Migrant Category Job Search Instructions (see WR5); or
    5. a Working Holiday Scheme (see WI2); or
    6. people granted a work visa as a domestic staff member of diplomatic, consular or official staff (see WI4).
  4. Despite (a) and (b) above, the eligibility of partners and dependent children of Accredited Employer work visa holders for visitor visas is set out at V3.10.1 below.
  5. Partners and dependent children of people granted work to residence visas must meet health and character requirements for residence class visa applications as set out at A4 and A5.
  6. Partners and dependent children of people granted a Migrant Exploitation Protection work visa (MEPV) must be holding a visa based on their relationship to the MEPV holder to be eligible for a further visa under these instructions.

V3.10.1 Partners and dependent children of Accredited Employer work visa holders

  1. Partners (see E4.1.20) and dependent children (see E4.1.10) of an Accredited Employer work visa holder may be granted a visitor visa if their supporting partner or parent is:
    1. in a role classified as ANZSCO skill level 1, 2 or 3; or
    2. paid at or above 1.5x the Skilled Migrant Category median wage (see SR3.20(a)(ii)); or
    3. in a role on the Green List and the Accredited Employer work visa holder meets the applicable Green List requirements (see Appendix 13); or
    4. in acceptable employment under the Transport Sector or Care Sector Work to Residence policies as defined in SR6.10 or SR7.10.
  2. Partners and dependent children of an Accredited Employer work visa holder working in a role at ANZSCO skill level 4 or 5 cannot be granted a visitor visa as a partner or dependent child, unless:
    1. on 26 June 2024, they held a visa as a dependent of the Accredited Employer work visa holder; or
    2. on 26 June 2024, they had an application in progress for a visa as a dependent of the Accredited Employer work visa holder and that application was subsequently granted; or
    3. the role of their Accredited Employer work visa holder partner or parent is described in (a)(ii) to (iv) above.
  3. Accredited Employer work visa holders who wish to support their dependent child’s visitor visa application must meet the minimum income threshold specified at V3.10.10.

V3.10.5 Dependent children of Essential Skills work visa holders

  1. A dependent child of a holder of a work visa granted under the Essential Skills work instructions (WK) after 30 November 2009 will only be granted a visitor visa if the minimum income threshold is met.
  2. Despite (a) above, dependent children born in New Zealand after 30 November 2009 will not be tested against the threshold until their parent(s) next applies for an Essential Skills work visa.
  3. Despite (a) and (b) above, the minimum income threshold does not apply if the dependent child's parent(s):
    1. have held any temporary work visa before 30 November 2009; and
    2. have remained on a valid visa from 30 November 2009 until the date of the dependent child's application under V3.10.

V3.10.10 Minimum income threshold

  1. The minimum income threshold is NZ$43,322.76 gross per annum.
  2. The minimum income threshold must be met and maintained wholly by the salary or wages of a parent or parents holding an Accredited Employer work visa or an Essential Skills work visa.
  3. Evidence must be provided of the Accredited Employer work visa or Essential Skills work visa holder's current salary or wages.
  4. Despite (a) above, if the dependent child is included in a Samoan Quota or Pacific Access Category application, the minimum income threshold is the amount specified in Samoan Quota or Pacific Access Category instructions.
  5. If a visa application is declined under these instructions and the dependent child becomes unlawful the parent(s) may become liable for deportation.
  6. If the parent(s) do not maintain the minimum income threshold for the duration of their or their dependent child's visa, both the child and the parent(s) may become liable for deportation.

Notes: - Where both parents hold Accredited Employer work visas or Essential Skills work visas, their incomes may be combined to meet the minimum income threshold.
- The minimum income threshold excludes employment-related allowances (for example tool or uniform allowances) and must be calculated on the basis of no more than 40 hours' work per week.

V3.10.15 Dependent children of work visa holders under Religious Worker instructions

See also Immigration Act 2009 ss 56, 157

  1. Dependent children of a holder of a work visa under Religious Worker instructions (WM) will only be granted a visitor visa if:
    1. the minimum income threshold of NZ$43,322.76 gross per annum is met by the Religious Worker visa holder and their partner; or
    2. the religious organisation sponsoring the principal applicant agrees to sponsor the dependent children.
  2. Under (a)(i) above:
    1. the minimum income threshold must be met and maintained by the salary, wages or a stipend received by the Religious Worker visa holder and their partner; and
    2. evidence must be provided of the current salary, wages or stipend of the Religious Worker visa holder and their partner; and
    3. if a visa application is declined under these instructions and the dependent child becomes unlawful the parents may become liable for deportation; and
    4. if the parents do not maintain the minimum income threshold for the duration of their visa or their dependent child's visa, both the child and the parents may become liable for deportation.

Note: The income of both parents may be combined to meet the minimum income threshold.

Effective 26/06/2024


V3.1 Group visas

V3.5 Business visitors

V3.15 Partners of New Zealand citizens or residence class visa holders

V3.20 Dependent children of New Zealand citizens or residence class visa holders

V3.25 Children entering New Zealand for adoption

V3.30 Children adopted overseas before their New Zealand citizenship is confirmed

V3.35 Culturally arranged marriage

V3.40 Entry to New Zealand for the purpose of medical treatment or consultation

V3.45 Applicants wanting to obtain occupational registration in New Zealand

V3.50 Persons associated with a Contracting Party to the Antarctic Treaty and other Antarctic travellers

V3.55 Visiting Media Programme (VMP)

V3.60 Pitcairn Islanders

V3.65 Conference delegates

V3.70 Crew members joining vessels or aircraft

V3.75 Department of Conservation volunteers (to 25/08/2014)

V3.80 Visitors arriving by yacht or private aircraft

V3.81 Owners and crew of super yachts

V3.85 Sports people, support staff, match and tournament officials and media and broadcasting personnel associated with sports events, tours or tournaments

V3.90 Visitor visas for refugee or protection status claimants

V3.95 German law students and graduates

V3.100 Guardians accompanying students to New Zealand

V3.105 APEC Business Travel Cardholders

V3.110 Parent and grandparent multiple entry visitor visa instructions

V3.115 Work visa holders dismissed during a trial period

V3.120 Temporary Retirement Category

V3.125 Partners and dependent children of military visa holders

V3.130 Visiting academics

V3.135 Visitor visas for child victims of people trafficking

V3.140 Approved arts or music festival

V3.145 Short-term live entertainment acts

V3.150 International Tour Escorts

V3.155 Persons departing New Zealand during COVID-19


V3.10 Partners and dependent children of student or work visa holders (14/07/2021)

V3.10 Partners and dependent children of student or work visa holders (02/07/2021)

V3.10 Partners and dependent children of student or work visa holders (01/07/2021)

V3.10 Partners and dependent children of student or work visa holders (27/07/2020)

V3.10 Partners and dependent children of student or work visa holders (13/05/2019)

V3.10 Partners and dependent children of student or work visa holders (01/07/2018)

V3.10 Partners and dependent children of student or work visa holders (21/05/2018)

V3.10 Partners and dependent children of student or work visa holders (28/08/2017)

V3.10 Partners and dependent children of student or work visa holders (01/04/2017)

V3.10 Partners and dependent children of student or work visa holders (01/04/2016)

V3.10 Partners and dependent children of student or work visa holders (30/03/2015)

V3.10 Partners and dependent children of student or work visa holders (01/04/2014)

V3.10 Partners and dependent children of student or work visa holders (01/04/2013)

V3.10 Partners and dependent children of student or work visa holders (17/12/2012)

V3.10 Partners and dependent children of student or work visa holders (30/07/2012)

V3.10 Partners and dependent children of student or work visa holders (07/11/2011)

V3.10 Partners and dependent children of student or work visa holders (25/07/2011)

V3.10 Partners and dependent children of student or work visa holders (29/11/2010)

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