Resident visa conditions

Conditions applied to resident visas, such as entry and travel conditions, and what they mean.

You must meet all your visa conditions. Here are some common conditions that apply to resident visas.

Visa expiry date

A resident visa allows you to live in New Zealand. Your resident visa will not expire while you stay in New Zealand.

Travel conditions

Travel conditions are conditions of your visa that determine when you are allowed to enter New Zealand.

First entry before condition

The 'First entry before' travel condition means that you must travel to New Zealand before this date so that you can keep your resident visa valid. If you do not enter New Zealand before this date, your resident visa will no longer be valid.

Expiry date travel

The last day you can enter New Zealand using this visa. Your resident visa will expire if you are outside New Zealand and your ‘Expiry date travel’ has passed.

Number of entries

If your resident visa states that you are allowed 'Multiple entries', you can re-enter New Zealand as many times as you want before your 'Expiry date travel'.

Section 49 conditions

Section 49 conditions are not applied to all resident visas.

You must meet a section 49 condition in your visa, and get it removed, if you want to:

  • apply for a Permanent Resident Visa, or
  • sponsor someone for a visa.

When they are met send us a request for their removal.

Travelling outside New Zealand on a resident visa

After travelling outside New Zealand make sure before returning to resume your residence your passport is valid and in it either a:

  • resident visa with valid travel conditions 
  • Permanent Resident Visa (PRV)
  • Returning Residents Visa (granted before 29 November 2010).

Resident visa travel conditions and their expiry

If you want to travel outside New Zealand and your travel conditions have expired, or will expire soon, consider applying:

  • for a Permanent Resident Visa (PRV), or
  • extend your resident visa travel conditions.

Extending the travel conditions of a resident visa

Permanent Resident Visa


Your eligibility to extend your travel conditions or a get PRV may be affected by time spent outside of New Zealand. 

When your travel conditions expire outside New Zealand

If you leave New Zealand with expired travel conditions, or they expired while you were overseas:

  • your Resident Visa will expire, and
  • you cannot return to New Zealand and resume your residence.

If you have been outside of New Zealand for a short time you may still be able to return as a resident by applying for a:

  • Permanent Resident Visa, or
  • second resident visa.

Becoming a permanent resident

Second or Subsequent Resident Visa

Compliance with public health legislation

If you applied for your resident visa after 30 June 2020, it will be issued on the condition that you comply with orders under the COVID-19 Public Health Response Act 2020, the Health Act 1956 and instructions from a Medical Officer of Health which relates to a certain diseases.

If your visa was granted in New Zealand, this condition applies for 3 months from the date your resident visa was granted. If your visa was granted overseas, this condition applies for 3 months from the date you arrived in New Zealand.

During the 3 month timeframe you must not be convicted, or served an infringement notice for an offence under these Acts. This condition does not apply after the 3 month timeframe has ended.


If your resident visa was granted under a category that required you to invest in New Zealand, your resident visa may be subject to conditions that you keep your funds invested in New Zealand for a certain period of time. See your visa approval letter for more details.


If you were sponsored by someone for your resident visa, there are conditions that your sponsor must meet. For example if you have a Parent Category Resident Visa.

Your sponsor must meet these conditions for a set amount of time after your visa is granted. The amount of time that applies to you will be noted on your visa, but cannot be more than 10 years.

Your sponsor must:

  • provide suitable accommodation if you do not have your own place to live.
  • ensure your health and welfare needs are met.
  • pay any costs associated with your deportation and repatriation (if required).