Paying for AEWV accreditation and Job Checks

Find out what it costs to apply for accreditation to employ workers on an Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV), get a Job Check, and renew your accreditation.

Application fees for accreditation

You pay a different fee depending on the type of accreditation you need.

  • Standard accreditation — up to 5 migrants at any one time — is NZD$775. If you upgrade from standard to high-volume accreditation the fee is NZD$505.
  • High-volume accreditation — 6 or more migrants at any one time — is NZD$1,280.
  • Controlling third party accreditation is NZD$4,060.

If we decline your application for accreditation you can ask us to reconsider our decision. The fee for this is NZD$250.

Fees for Job Checks

It costs NZD$735 to apply for a Job Check.

If we decline your Job Check you can ask us to reconsider our decision. The fee for this is NZD$250.

How you pay

Pay your fees when you apply for accreditation or a job check using a credit card, debit card, China UnionPay or POLi.

Fees for other employment schemes and visas

You can also search for AEWV and other fees using our online tool.

Fees, decision times and where to apply