Students travelling to New Zealand
We provide a range of information for students to help them plan their move to New Zealand and to settle quickly once they get here.
Preparing to travel to New Zealand
'NZ Ready' is a free online tool to help them plan their trip to New Zealand, ensuring they know how things work here and have a hassle-free trip.
A handy pre-departure checklist so that when they do arrive in New Zealand they have everything they need.
Before they leave their country | Live and Work New Zealand
Visitor visa holders can study for up to 3 months. To assist students from visa waiver countries, we have developed guidelines for travelling and studying in New Zealand.
Travelling and studying in NZ (English)
Travelling and studying in NZ (Arabic)
What they can bring
New Zealand has very strict laws on what people can bring into the country. To ensure your students are aware of what they can and cannot bring to New Zealand, you may wish to refer your students to the Customs NZ and the Ministry of Primary Industries websites.