Transport Work to Residence Visa work requirements and roles

Before applying for the Transport Work to Residence Visa check to see if you are in an approved transport role and meet its requirements.


Before you can apply for the Transport Work to Residence Visa you must have:

  • worked in a work to residence transport role for 24 months
  • met the requirements of the role when you apply for the visa.

You must also be working for an accredited employer or have a job offer from one when you apply for the visa.

Full details of the roles and requirements are in:

  • Table 1: Transport roles, ANZCO codes and requirements, and
  • Table 2: Transport roles, ANZCO codes and requirements before 7 April 2024.

Work to residence approved transport roles

These are the approved work to residence transport roles:

  • ship’s master
  • deck hand.

Transport Work to Residence role requirements

Before you can apply for a Transport Work to Residence Visa you must have worked in a work to residence transport role for 24 months in New Zealand.

The specific requirements for each role type are listed in Tables 1 and 2.


If earning the median wage is 1 of your requirements, the current rate is on the wage rate requirements page.
Wage rate requirements for visas

Table 1: Transport roles, ANZCO codes and requirements

Transport role ANZCO code Work requirements 

Ship’s master


On the day you apply for your residence visa you must:

  • be currently employed by, or have a job offer from, a New Zealand employer and your role is ship’s master
  • have been employed for at least 24 months as a ship’s master
  • have been paid at least the median wage for 24 months
  • hold either:
    • the Skipper Restricted Limits qualification with 500GT or 3000GT endorsement, or
    • a Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) certificate for duties of a Ship’s Master on a vessel that is 500 gross tonnes or more (as recognised by Maritime New Zealand).

Deck hand


On the day you apply for your residence visa you must:

  • be currently employed by, or have a job offer from, a New Zealand employer and your role is deck hand
  • have been employed for at least 24 months as a deck hand
  • have been paid at least the median wage for 24 months
  • hold either a:
    • Qualified Deck Crew Certificate of Proficiency (CoP), or
    • Deck Watch Rating (DWR) Certificate of Proficiency (CoP) that entitles the holder to perform the duties of Deck Hand (as recognised by Maritime New Zealand).

Work to residence approved transport roles before 7 April 2024

These roles were also approved work to residence transport roles before 7 April 2024:

  • bus driver
  • truck driver
  • aircraft refueller
  • furniture removalist
  • tanker driver
  • tow truck driver.

You can still count work experience gained from these roles towards your residence visa if, on or before 6 April 2024, you:

  • started working in one of these roles, on any work visa, or
  • received an Accredited Employer Work Visa to work in one of these roles, or
  • applied for an AEWV to work in one of these roles, and were successful in your application, or
  • signed an employment agreement and had started work within 1 month of either signing it or being granted a non-AEWV visa. (For example a Partner of Worker Work Visa.)

Table 2: Transport roles, ANZCO codes and requirements before 7 April 2024

Transport role ANZCO code Work requirements 

Bus driver


On the day you apply for your residence visa you must:

  • be currently employed by, or have a job offer from, a New Zealand employer and your role is passenger bus driver
  • have been employed for at least 24 months as a passenger bus driver in New Zealand
  • have been paid at least $28 an hour for 24 months
  • hold a class 2 New Zealand driver licence with a passenger endorsement.

You must be working either:

  • for an employer who has signed a Waka Kotahi (New Zealand Transport Agency) ‘All Parties Memorandum of Understanding on Improving Driver Terms and Conditions’ for the region you are working in, or
  • as a school bus driver on a Ministry of Education-funded school bus service, or
  • as a school bus driver on a service directly contracted to a school.

Ministry of Education school bus services

Truck driver


On the day you apply for your residence visa you must:

  • be currently employed by, or have a job offer from, a New Zealand employer and your role is driver of a class 4 or 5 vehicle
  • have been employed for at least 24 months driving a class 4 or 5 vehicle
  • have been paid at least the median wage for 24 months
  • hold a New Zealand class 4 or 5 driver licence.

Aircraft refueller


On the day you apply for your residence visa you must:

  • be currently employed by, or have a job offer from, a New Zealand employer and your role is driver of a class 4 or 5 vehicle
  • have been employed for at least 24 months driving a class 4 or 5 vehicle
  • have been paid at least the median wage for 24 months
  • hold a New Zealand class 4 or 5 driver licence.

Furniture removalist


On the day you apply for your residence visa you must:

  • be currently employed by, or have a job offer from, a New Zealand employer and your role is driver of a class 4 or 5 vehicle
  • have been employed for at least 24 months driving a class 4 or 5 vehicle
  • have been paid at least the median wage for 24 months
  • hold a New Zealand class 4 or 5 driver licence.

Tanker driver


On the day you apply for your residence visa you must:

  • be currently employed by, or have a job offer from, a New Zealand employer and your role is driver of a class 4 or 5 vehicle
  • have been employed for at least 24 months driving a class 4 or 5 vehicle
  • have been paid at least the median wage for 24 months
  • hold a New Zealand class 4 or 5 driver licence.

Tow truck driver


On the day you apply for your residence visa you must:

  • be currently employed by, or have a job offer from, a New Zealand employer and your role is driver of a class 4 or 5 vehicle
  • have been employed for at least 24 months driving a class 4 or 5 vehicle
  • have been paid at least the median wage for 24 months
  • hold a New Zealand class 4 or 5 driver licence.