Occupational registration
Check if you need to be registered in your occupation to work in New Zealand
Find out about working in specific roles or with specific employers in New Zealand.
Check if you need to be registered in your occupation to work in New Zealand
Find employers who have approval to recruit workers from overseas under the Recognised Seasonal Employer scheme.
If you are working towards registration with an authority on this list, you can apply for a further 1-year Post Study Work Visa to complete your registration.
Find employers who can recruit temporary visa holders under the Supplementary Seasonal Employer (SSE) Scheme.
Work exchange schemes are reciprocal agreements that let you experience work, education and culture in New Zealand.
You must be coming to New Zealand for an acceptable specific purpose or event to apply for a Specific Purpose Work Visa.
GIVs is an innovative new immigration product for high impact entrepreneurs, investors and start-up teams.