Settlement information

We are responsible for ensuring recent migrants, their employers and the settlement sector, have accurate and accessible information.

We want to help migrants know what to expect when planning to live or work in New Zealand. We want to support employers to prepare for receiving and supporting migrant workers. Our settlement information resources and services support all of the New Zealand Migrant Settlement and Integration Strategy outcomes.

How we support migrants

Information and resources we provide

Live and Work New Zealand

This is our website for migrants who are thinking of moving to New Zealand or have recently arrived. It includes national and regional information, settlement tips, and places where migrants can get settlement support.

Live and Work New Zealand

Immigration New Zealand Facebook

To keep connected and stay up to date Immigration New Zealand, visit our Facebook page.

Immigration New Zealand - Facebook

Tools and guides for migrants and employers

We produce settlement guides for migrants and employers. These provide information to help migrants settle into their new life and workplace, and to help employers prepare for, support and retain their migrant employees. They include information about getting to and living in New Zealand, workers’ rights and employers’ obligations, and workplace and communication differences. We have sector specific guides for sectors that heavily rely on migrants: dairy farms, hospitality, aged care and construction.

We also produce:

  • NZ Ready — a tool to help migrants plan their move to New Zealand
  • Cost-of-living calculator — a tool to help migrants work out what things cost in New Zealand
  • Work Talk — a tool to help improve communication between New Zealand employers or managers and migrant employees from other cultures.

Resources for migrant staff

Resources for employers

Information services that we fund

Migrant Connect

This is a face-to-face information service for migrants, delivered by Citizens Advice Bureau New Zealand (CAB) in 30 offices nationwide. These CABs:

  • provide settlement and local information for recent migrants, including seminars and workshops about life in New Zealand
  • respond to migrant enquiries
  • refer migrants to other services, and
  • promote local settlement-related activities.

Migrant Connect | Citizens Advice Bureau