Making voluntary deductions

If you are working in New Zealand on a Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) Limited Visa you can give your employer permission to deduct money from your pay to cover some costs.

Costs that can be deducted from your pay

If you are a seasonal worker on an RSE Limited Visa you can give your employer permission to deduct money from your pay to cover costs like:

  • your share of the cost of travelling to New Zealand
  • living expenses such as accommodation, food and electricity
  • health costs and insurance.

Deductions must comply with New Zealand employment law.

Deductions – Employment New Zealand

Giving permission for deductions

Your employer can only make deductions if:

  • you have given written consent for the deductions — without pressure from your employer
  • they are clearly listed in your employment agreement
  • we approved them when your employer submitted their Approval to Recruit
  • they are fair and reasonable, and used to cover actual expenses — for example, a deduction for accommodation covers the actual cost of your employer providing a suitable place for you to live.

Withdrawing permission

You can withdraw by giving your employer notice in writing.

Your employer must vary or stop the deductions within 2 weeks of getting notice from you, or as soon as it is practical to make the changes.