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E3.20 Conditions of student visa, limited visa and interim visa for study purposes

See also Immigration Act 2009 s 378

Subject to any special direction to the contrary, every student visa, limited visa and interim visa granted for the purpose of study is subject to the following conditions:

  1. At all times during the currency of the visa to be in New Zealand, the holder has the means to maintain himself or herself in New Zealand, in the form of:
    1. funds held in New Zealand by or on behalf of or in trust for the holder; or
    2. an acceptable form of financial undertaking by an eligible third party; or
    3. a current approved sponsorship undertaking (see E6); or
    4. financial assistance available to the holder under any multilateral or bilateral aid programme administered in New Zealand by a Government department or statutory body; and
  2. At all times during the currency of the visa to be in New Zealand, the holder has the means to travel to a country to which the holder has a right of entry, such means to be in the form of:
    1. a fully paid travel ticket to any such country; or
    2. sufficient funds held in New Zealand by or on behalf of or in trust for the holder (being funds additional to any sum required under paragraph (a)) to purchase any such ticket; or
    3. an acceptable form of financial undertaking by an eligible third party; or
    4. a current approved sponsorship (see E6); or
    5. financial assistance available to the holder under any multilateral or bilateral aid programme administered in New Zealand by a Government department or statutory body; and
  3. The holder attends the programme of study at all times as required, at the place of study endorsed on the visa, unless there are genuine reasons for absences; and
  4. The holder makes satisfactory progress in the programme of study, which is primarily determined by the education provider offering the programme of study, and assessed against its academic progress policies; and
  5. The holder pays all or any fees that may be fixed from time to time and that are payable by the holder in respect of the programme of study undertaken or to be undertaken; and
  6. The holder has insurance (see U3.45) if required to do so (see U3.1(vii)).

Effective 22/08/2016


E3.1 Grant of visa generally a matter of discretion

E3.5 Grant of visitor visa to travel to and be in New Zealand may be subject to payment of bond

E3.10 Currency of visas

E3.11 Transfer of temporary visas

E3.15 Conditions to which holders of temporary entry class visas are subject

E3.21 Further travel conditions

E3.25 Conditions of temporary entry class visas may be imposed, varied or waived

E3.26 Varying the conditions of temporary entry class visas

E3.27 Restricted temporary entry instructions: Varying the condition of a temporary entry class visa for a critical purpose (to 17/06/2020)

E3.30 Changing a temporary visa

E3.35 Further temporary visas

E3.40 Cancellation of visas on triggering event

E3.45 Cancellation of visa for administrative error

E3.50 Grant of further visa where visa granted in error

E3.55 Cancellation of temporary entry class or transit visas

E3.60 Deportation liability of temporary entry class visa holder for cause

E3.65 Deportation liability if person unlawfully in New Zealand


E3.20 Conditions of student visa, limited visa and interim visa for study purposes (02/12/2013)

E3.20 Conditions of student visa, limited visa and interim visa for study purposes (30/07/2012)

E3.20 Conditions of student visa, limited visa and interim visa for study purposes (25/07/2011)

E3.20 Conditions of student visa, limited visa and interim visa for study purposes (29/11/2010)

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