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E3.50 Grant of further visa where visa granted in error

See also Immigration Act 2009 ss 11, 68, 155

  1. If the Minister or an immigration officer determines that a visa was granted as a result of an administrative error but the visa was not cancelled in accordance with the Immigration Act 2009, the Minister or an immigration officer may, in his or her absolute discretion:
    1. offer the holder a visa of such class and type, and subject to such conditions, as the Minister or immigration officer considers appropriate; and
    2. if the holder agrees, grant such a visa.
  2. If the holder does not agree, he or she remains liable for deportation (see D2.15.1).

Effective 29/11/2010


E3.1 Grant of visa generally a matter of discretion

E3.5 Grant of visitor visa to travel to and be in New Zealand may be subject to payment of bond

E3.10 Currency of visas

E3.11 Transfer of temporary visas

E3.15 Conditions to which holders of temporary entry class visas are subject

E3.20 Conditions of student visa, limited visa and interim visa for study purposes

E3.21 Further travel conditions

E3.25 Conditions of temporary entry class visas may be imposed, varied or waived

E3.26 Varying the conditions of temporary entry class visas

E3.27 Restricted temporary entry instructions: Varying the condition of a temporary entry class visa for a critical purpose (to 17/06/2020)

E3.30 Changing a temporary visa

E3.35 Further temporary visas

E3.40 Cancellation of visas on triggering event

E3.45 Cancellation of visa for administrative error

E3.55 Cancellation of temporary entry class or transit visas

E3.60 Deportation liability of temporary entry class visa holder for cause

E3.65 Deportation liability if person unlawfully in New Zealand

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