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U6.1 Programmes of study lasting longer than 3 months

  1. People who require a visa to visit New Zealand and who wish to come to New Zealand to study full-time for a period longer than three months, must hold a student visa.
  2. Potential students who are nationals of countries to whom a visitor visa waiver applies (see E2.1) may enter New Zealand as visitors and apply for a student visa after their arrival.

U6.1.1 Definition of 'full-time study'

  1. For private training establishments full-time study is generally considered to be enrolment in:
    1. a programme of study that requires attendance for a minimum of 20 hours per week; or
    2. at least three papers, or equivalent, per semester if the offered programme of study is at Level 7 or above on the New Zealand Qualification Framework.
  2. For other tertiary institutions enrolment in at least three papers, or equivalent, per semester is indicative of full-time study.
  3. Any programme of study that does not meet (a) or (b) above is usually considered to be part-time (see U7.20).
  4. The final decision on whether or not a student may be considered to be undertaking full-time study rests with immigration officers.

Effective 02/12/2013


U6.5 Distance education (correspondence) students

U6.10 Membership of professional associations

U6.15 Graduation

U6.20 Variations to work visas and visitor visas to allow study (to 06 July 2015)

U6.25 Further temporary visas

U6.30 Currency of student visas

U6.35 Visas for the length of a programme of study: Aviation students

U6.40 Conditions of student visas


U6.1 Courses of study lasting longer than 3 months (07/11/2011)

U6.1 Courses of study lasting longer than 3 months (29/11/2010)

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