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What we do with your x-ray and examination results

How to get copies of your x-ray and medical examination results to help us decide if you meet the acceptable standard of health criteria for your visa application.

Why we need x-rays and medical results

When your physician gets the results of your tests back they send them to us. We use them to see whether you meet the acceptable standard of health criteria for the visa you are applying for.

Acceptable standard of health criteria for visa approvals

Health Requirements for entry to New Zealand (INZ 1121) PDF 537KB

How to get your results

To get a copy of your results you can ask the physician when you have your examination, or any time afterwards.

You can ask for email notifications. If you do, you will receive an email when your physician sends us your results. You cannot reply to this email.

If you have any questions about your results, discuss these with your physician.

Once we receive your results you can also contact us if you want a copy of them.

Sharing your medical information with an immigration adviser

If you would like your immigration adviser to be able to see and ask questions about your medical information, you need to:

Immigration Adviser Details (INZ 1160) PDF 260KB

Your privacy

The panel physicians who use eMedical must agree to protect your personal information to meet New Zealand privacy laws.

Your information is sent to us using a secure online channel and is available only to us and the clinic where you were examined.

If you have any privacy concerns, you can contact us.

Contact us

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