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A2.30 Taiwan passports

A2.30.1 Background

  1. The New Zealand Government recognises the Government of the People's Republic of China as the sole legal government of China, and consequently New Zealand has no official contacts with the present authorities in Taiwan.
  2. However, under an agreement with the People's Republic of China, New Zealand may allow the entry of bona fide private permanent residents of Taiwan travelling on Taiwan passports (see A2.10.40).
  3. The instructions in the following subsections have been prepared to:
    1. enable INZ branches and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade offices to observe New Zealand's commitment to have no official contacts with Taiwan; and
    2. facilitate private, business and travel links with Taiwan.

A2.30.5 Visa Unit, New Zealand Commerce and Industry Office (NZCIO)

The Visa Unit of the NZCIO facilitates temporary applications by Taiwanese, but the fact that it does so does not indicate official New Zealand recognition of the Taiwan authorities.

A2.30.10 Visits by ministers, officials or those representing Taiwan in other capacities

  1. Applications for visits to New Zealand by Taiwan government representatives, for discussions with New Zealand authorities or to attend international conferences, may be approved if MFAT has cleared the visit.
  2. Applications from Taiwan government Ministers or officials to attend meetings in New Zealand in their official capacities must be referred to MFAT (North Asia Division), copied to NZCIO.
  3. Applications from Taiwan government Ministers or officials to visit New Zealand in a private capacity should also be referred to MFAT, copied to NZCIO, if it can be reasonably expected that such visitors will be portrayed in New Zealand as acting in their official roles.
  4. Applications by Taiwan government Ministers and officials to visit New Zealand privately for genuine holiday purposes need not be referred to MFAT except when they are made by Cabinet level visitors and above. (In Taiwan both Ministers and officials may hold Cabinet rank.)
  5. Diplomatic (dark blue cover with a D prefix to the passport number) and Official (brown cover with an F prefix to the passport number) Taiwan passports are not acceptable for travel to New Zealand, and visas issued to such passport holders may be endorsed only in standard Taiwan passports (these have a green cover).
  6. Taiwan passports with a G prefix to the passport number are not acceptable for visa endorsement and applicants presenting the G prefix passport should be advised to present an alternative acceptable document. In the event of any doubt INZ offices should seek advice from NZCIO Visa Unit in Taipei or the Intelligence, Risk and Integrity Division in New Zealand, prior to visa endorsement.

Effective 07/11/2011


A2.1 Types of acceptable travel document

A2.5 Criteria for acceptable travel documents

A2.10 Acceptable travel documents

A2.15 Unacceptable travel documents

A2.20 When acceptable travel documents are not available

A2.25 Refugee travel documents

A2.35 New Zealand citizens


A2.30 Taiwan passports (29/11/2010)

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