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A4.40 Seeking comment concerning health assessments

  1. In all cases, an immigration officer must not decline an application on the basis that an applicant does not have an acceptable standard of health, without first seeking comment from the applicant on the report provided by the Immigration New Zealand medical assessor or the Ministry of Education (MoE) advising that the applicant does not meet the requirements of A4.10(b) or A4.15(b).
  2. Where a further medical opinion on the medical condition or disability of the applicant, or a further opinion from a suitably qualified professional concerning an applicant's disability or eligibility for Ongoing Resourcing Scheme (ORS) funding is provided and this disputes the original medical or ORS assessment, officers must refer this to the Immigration New Zealand medical assessor (or MoE as appropriate) before deciding whether or not to decline the application.
  3. Having regard to the opinion that disputes the assessment of the Immigration New Zealand medical assessor or the MoE, the Immigration New Zealand medical assessor or MoE assessor may either amend their original assessment or confirm their original assessment.

Effective 25/07/2011


A4.1 Objective

A4.5 Overview of health instructions

A4.10 Acceptable standard of health (applicants for residence)

A4.15 Acceptable standard of health (applicants for temporary entry class visas)

A4.20 Medical and Chest X-ray Certificates: residence class visa applications

A4.25 Medical and Chest X-ray Certificates: temporary entry class visa applications

A4.30 Completion of medical certificates

A4.45 Second opinion assessments by Immigration New Zealand medical assessors (residence applications)

A4.50 Second opinion assessments by Ministry of Education (residence class visa applications)

A4.55 Deferral of decisions on residence applications pending treatment for medical conditions

A4.60 Medical waivers (applicants for residence class visas)

A4.65 Medical waivers (applicants for temporary entry class visas)

A4.70 Determination of whether a medical waiver should be granted (residence and temporary entry)

A4.74 Health requirements for mandated refugees and Refugee Quota Family Reunification Category applicants

A4.75 Exception to health requirements instructions for people entering New Zealand for medical treatment


A4.40 Seeking comment concerning health assessments (29/11/2010)

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