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WI7.5 Evidence of family violence

Evidence of family violence means:

  1. a final Protection Order against someone with whom the applicant is living in a family relationship under the Family Violence Act 2018; or
  2. a relevant New Zealand conviction of someone with whom the applicant is living in a family relationship where the conviction is for a family violence offence against the principal applicant or a dependent child of the principal applicant; or
  3. a complaint of family violence against someone with whom the applicant is living in a family relationship investigated by the New Zealand Police where the New Zealand Police are satisfied that such family violence has occurred; or
  4. a statutory declaration from the applicant stating that family violence has occurred and two statutory declarations completed by persons competent to make statutory declarations that family violence has occurred (see WI7.10).

Note: For the purpose of these instructions, 'family violence' has the same meaning as set out in section 9 of the Family Violence Act 2018.

Effective 28/02/2023


WI7.1 Who is eligible for a special work visa

WI7.10 Persons competent to make a statutory declaration that family violence has occurred

WI7.15 Evidence that the principal applicant has been in a partnership with a New Zealand citizen or residence class visa holder

WI7.20 Evidence of living in a family relationship with the perpetrator of family violence

WI7.25 Making an application

WI7.30 Determination of applications

WI7.35 Currency and conditions


WI7.5 Evidence of family violence (23/12/2019)

WI7.5 Evidence of domestic violence (29/11/2010)

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