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C6.25 Determining the claim of a detained claimant

Because the claimant is being detained, the refugee status officer should determine the claim as speedily as possible, ideally within 20 weeks from the date of lodgement of the Confirmation of Claim to Refugee Status in New Zealand form. The refugee status officer will make a decision after:

  1. receiving submissions or comments on the interview report; or
  2. if there are no submissions or comments on the interview report:
    1. being notified that there are no submissions or comments on the interview report; or
    2. the time limit for making submissions or comments on the interview report has expired, or
  3. the interview itself, if there is no interview report.

Effective 28/11/2005


C6.25 Determining the claim of a detained claimant (01/10/1999)

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