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E4.60 Sponsorship

Immigration Act 1987 s 28

  1. Instead of evidence of funds for their maintenance and accommodation while in New Zealand, applicants for temporary visas and permits may produce evidence of sponsorship by way of:
    1. a fully completed Sponsorship Form for Visiting New Zealand, or
    2. at the discretion of the visa or immigration officer, some other acceptable form of written undertaking, particularly if applicants intend to stay more than 12 months.
  2. The sponsor must be:
    1. a New Zealand citizen, or
    2. the holder of a residence permit not subject to requirements imposed under section 18A of the Immigration Act 1987 (see RA40), or
    3. a person exempt under section 12(1) of the Immigration Act 1987 from having to hold a permit.

Effective 26/07/1999

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