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Getting your partner to support your online visa application

Your supporting partner must complete an online form showing they are an acceptable supporting partner.

Visas this information applies to

Culturally Arranged Marriage Visitor Visa

My partner is supporting my visa application

If your partner is supporting your visa application, you will be asked in the ‘Supporting documents’ page of your application to enter your supporting partner’s:

  • full name
  • email address
  • sharing ID.

Before you can submit your application, you need to contact your supporting partner directly and ask for this information.

To find their sharing ID, your supporting partner needs to log in to Immigration Online using a RealMe account. If they do not have a RealMe account, they need to create one.

How to create a RealMe account

Log in to Immigration Online

You can help your supporting partner find their sharing ID by directing them to this page.

When you receive your supporting partner’s sharing ID, enter it in the ‘Supporting documents’ page of your application form. You can then complete and submit your application.

Screenshot of immigration online showing the 'supporting partner' section. The user is being asked to input their supporting partner's name, email address and sharing ID.

After you have submitted your application, we will email your supporting partner and ask them to log in to Immigration Online and complete an online sponsorship form. We will use the information in this form to decide if your supporting partner can meet their responsibilities for you while you are in New Zealand.

I am supporting my partner's visa application

If you want to support your partner's visa application, you need to do 2 things before we assess the application.

  1. Provide your full name, email address, and sharing ID to your partner. You need to do this before your partner submits their application.
  2. Complete an online sponsorship form. You can do this after your partner has submitted their application.
Finding your sharing ID

Your partner will contact you directly while they are completing their application. They will ask you for your sharing ID. They might also ask you for your full name and email address. They need these pieces of information to complete their application.

To find your sharing ID, you need to log in to Immigration Online using a RealMe account. If you do not have a RealMe account, you need to create one.

How to create a RealMe account

After you have created a RealMe account, you need to:

  1. log in to Immigration Online
  2. find your sharing ID on the My dashboard tab
  3. provide your sharing ID to your partner.

Screen shot of Immigration Online showing a user's sharing ID.


You cannot use Immigration Online to send your sharing ID to your partner. You must copy the sharing ID and provide it to them directly – for example, in an email.

Log in to Immigration Online

Completing the online sponsorship form

After your partner submits their application, we will email you and ask you to log in to Immigration Online and complete an online sponsorship form. We will use the information in this form to decide if you can meet your responsibilities as a supporting partner.

If you don’t receive an email immediately, don’t worry. We are preparing the application and will email you when the sponsorship form is ready for you to complete.

Overview of supporting partner process

Ask for your supporting partner's sharing ID

Ask for your supporting partner's sharing ID. 

Your supporting partner finds their sharing ID

Your supporting partner logs in to Immigration Online using RealMe and finds their sharing ID. If they do not have a RealMe account, they create one. They send you their sharing ID in an email or a text message.

Complete your online application

Enter your supporting partner’s sharing ID in the ‘Supporting documents’ page of your application form and complete the form.

We email your partner and ask them to complete a sponsorship form

After you submit your application, we email your partner and ask them to complete an online sponsorship form. Your partner logs in to Immigration Online and completes the form. After they submit the form, we assess your application and make a decision.