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Genuine intentions to visit, study or work in New Zealand

Before you can get a visa or enter New Zealand to visit, work or study we check that your reasons for coming here are genuine.


What genuine intentions are

Evidence to include with your application

How we make a decision

If we decide your intentions are not genuine

What genuine intentions are

When you travel to New Zealand on a temporary visa you must have genuine reasons for coming that match what you tell us in your application.

We use all the information we have, including the information you give us in your application to confirm that you:


You must answer truthfully when you complete your visa application or New Zealand traveller declaration.

Visitor visas

If you are travelling on a visitor visa or visiting from a visa waiver country, your reasons for coming to New Zealand can include, but are not limited to:

If you have a special visitor visa, you must visit for the specific reason your visa was granted. For example, if you have a Medical Treatment Visitor Visa, your reason for visiting must be getting medical treatment.


From 17 June 2024, English language translations must be provided for any documents not in English.
Providing English translations of supporting documents

Student visas

If you are travelling on a student visa, you must have genuine intentions to study in New Zealand.

To be granted a student visa to attend a programme of study that will last at least 3 months, you must:

If you are under 18 years old, your offer of place must include confirmation that your accommodation complies with the ‘Code of Pastoral Care for International Students’.

Code of Pastoral Care for International Students — New Zealand Qualifications Authority

Work visas

If you are travelling to New Zealand to work, you must have a visa that will let you work in New Zealand.

Unless your visa will let you work in any job, you must intend to work in the specific occupation, for the employer, and in the location listed in your visa.

Evidence to include with your application

Here are some examples of evidence that you can include in your application, that help show you have genuine intentions for your time in New Zealand.

Evidence of your travel history

Provide a copy of your current and recent passports, including:

If you live in a different country to your citizenship

If you live in a country that is not your country of citizenship, provide a copy of the visa allowing you to live in that country.

Declined visa applications

If you have ever had a visa application declined by any other country, provide:

Evidence you are visiting family or friends

If you plan to visit family or friends in New Zealand, provide their:

Evidence of your travel plans

Provide evidence of your plans while in New Zealand. This could include copies of:

Evidence of your study plans

If you plan to study in New Zealand, you must provide:

If you do not need to pay tuition fees, or if you are eligible to pay by instalment, you must provide confirmation from your education provider.

You can also write a cover letter or statement of purpose explaining why you want to study in New Zealand. This will help us decide if you are a genuine student. If you are using an education agent or licensed immigration adviser they cannot write the letter for you.

Examples of things you could write about in your letter or statement include:

If you plan to apply for another visa (for example, a work visa) after your studies are finished, include this in your cover letter or statement of purpose.

Student visa application information sheet – first-time international students PDF 527KB

Student visa application information sheet – continuing international students PDF 461KB

Evidence of your home country circumstances

Provide evidence of your work, study and living arrangements. This will help us decide if you are likely to return to your home country at the end of your trip.

Depending on your circumstances, you could include:

Provide good quality evidence

Include all the evidence that you want us to consider. We decide each case based on the information and evidence provided. If you do not provide enough evidence it may take us longer to process your application, or we may decline your application.

You must provide genuine evidence. If you or your agent provide counterfeit evidence or false information, we may decline your application.

Check the translation requirements for the visa you are applying for. If your evidence is not in English, you should provide a translated copy. This will help us to process your application faster. 

Providing English translations of supporting documents

If you are applying online make sure your evidence is in an acceptable file format.

File formats for uploading documents and photographs

False, misleading or withheld information in visa applications

How we make a decision

To decide if you have genuine intentions, we look at:

Evidence you provide with your application

We look at evidence you provide with your application to check it:

Your personal circumstances

When we assess information about your personal circumstances, we look at:

Your previous applications

We look at information from your previous applications and travel to New Zealand. This can tell us if you have:

If we decide your intentions are not genuine

We may not grant you a visa or allow you to enter New Zealand if we:

If you are refused entry to New Zealand