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RV2.16 Permanent resident visas for residents affected by terrorist attacks on 15 March 2019

  1. A resident visa holder may be granted a permanent resident visa if they meet the requirements at S4.30 (with the exceptions of the health requirements and being invited to apply).
  2. Applications for permanent resident visas made under these instructions must be lodged in the prescribed manner (RV1.10).
  3. Applicants under these instructions must provide evidence they meet requirements for residence described in S4.30, with the exception of the health requirements.
  4. Applications for permanent resident visas made under these instructions must be lodged on or before 23 April 2021.
  5. Despite RV2.25, applicants who apply for a permanent resident visa under these instructions and do not meet the requirements above will not normally be considered for the grant of travel conditions (RV3) or a second or subsequent resident visa (RV4), or a permanent resident visa under other instructions (RV2.5).

Note: The prescribed fee for applications under these instructions has been waived by the Minister of Immigration by special direction.

Effective 06/05/2019


RV2.1 Who is not eligible for a permanent resident visa?

RV2.5 How do resident visa holders or former holders qualify for a permanent resident visa?

RV2.10 Permanent resident visas for holders of resident visas with investment conditions imposed under sections 49(1) or 50

RV2.15 Permanent resident visas for residents who have renounced New Zealand citizenship

RV2.17 Permanent resident visas for residents applying for the Afghan Emergency Resettlement Category

RV2.20 Permanent resident visas for Filipino dairy workers who have provided false documents and hold a South Island Contribution resident visa

RV2.25 Declining applications for permanent resident visas


RV2.16 Permanent resident visas for residents affected by terrorist attacks on 15 March 2019 (24/04/2019)

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