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South Korea (30/03/2015)

Academic Qualifications

The qualifications awarded by the institutions listed below qualify for the points indicated:



Level in NZ terms

Points under SMC

Bachelor degree / 학사 (with the exception of bachelor degrees listed below)




Bachelor of Engineering / 공학사




Bachelor of Law / 법학사




Bachelor of Medicine / 의학사




Master degree / 석사

The award certificate must show 논문 (thesis) or 논문심사 (thesis evaluation)

These SMC points do not apply to any of the Master degrees listed below, which need to be referred to NZQA for assessment.





Master of Divinity / 신학석사

Refer to NZQA for assessment


Master of Engineering / 공학석사

Master of Science (Engineering) / Master of Engineering Science / 공학석사

Master of Ministry / 목회학석사

Master of Theology / 신학석사

* Abbreviations used are for the purpose of this list and may not be stated on the award certificates.

If an applicant believes their qualification may be higher than the level stated they should apply to NZQA for an International Qualification Assessment.

- Award certificates must be provided in their original language for all qualifications.
- A university issued graduation certificate (졸업증명서) showing evidence of a degree awarded is not considered to be the original award certificate, and is not acceptable for the award of SMC points.
- All honorary degrees must be referred to NZQA for an International Qualification Assessment.
- If any courses leading to the award of one of the qualifications listed above were studied at any institution outside of South Korea, including any South Korean overseas campuses, they should be referred to NZQA for an International Qualification Assessment.
- If any courses have been cross-credited towards the listed qualifications, these qualifications also need to be referred to NZQA for an International Qualification Assessment.
- All qualifications awarded after 2014 should be referred to NZQA for an International Qualification Assessment.

Awarding Institutions

The following institutions may award the qualifications specified from the dates shown.


Previous names and dates of change are indicated in brackets. Names and dates of institutions have been included in the List of Qualifications Exempt from Assessment for immigration purposes only.

Qualification awarded from

Ajou University / A-ju University, Suwon


B, MD and M: 1994

BE: 2009

Andong National University / Andong University, Andong

국립안동대학교 or 안동대학교

B and M: 2005

BE: 2009

The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul (Catholic University 1992 - 1995)


B, MD and M: 1992

Changwon National University, Changwon

국립창원대학교 or 창원대학교

B, BE and M: 2005

BE: 2007

Cheju National University, Cheju / Jeju

국립제주대학교 or 제주대학교

B and M: 1995 - 2008

MD: 2002 - 2008

Chonbuk National University / Jeonbug National University, Jeonju

국립전북대학교 or 전북대학교


B, MD and M: 1980

BE: 2010

LLB: 1980 - 2008

Chonnam National University, Gwangju

국립전남대학교 or 전남대학교


B, MD and M: 1980

BE: 2010

LLB: 1980 - 2008

Chung-Ang University, Seoul



B, MD and M: 1981

BE: 2009

LLB: 1981 - 2008

Chungbuk National University, Cheongju

국립충북대학교 or 충북대학교


B and M: 1985

BE: 2010

LLB: 1991 - 2008

MD: 1991

Chungnam National University, Daejeon

국립충남대학교 or 충남대학교


B, MD and M: 1980

BE: 2010

LLB: 1980 - 2008

Dongguk University, Seoul



B and M: 1980

BE: 2007

LLB: 1980 - 2008

MD: 1992

Ewha Womans University, Seoul



B, MD and M: 1980

BE: 2010

LLB: 1980 - 2008

Gangneung-Wonju National University / Kangnung-Wonju National University, Gangneung

국립강릉원주대학교 or 강릉원주대학교

B, BE and M: 2009

Gyeongsang National University, Jinju

국립경상대학교 or 경상대학교

B, MD and M: 1990

BE: 2007

LLB: 1990 - 2008

Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul


B and M: 1980

Hanyang University, Seoul


B, MD and M: 1980

BE: 2007

Hongik University, Seoul


B and M: 1990

BE: 2008

Incheon National University (University of Incheon 2005 - 2013), Incheon


B and M: 2005

BE: 2010

Inha University, Incheon


B, MD and M: 1991

BE: 2007

Inje University, Gimhae


B, MD and M: 2000

BE: 2008

Jeju National University, Cheju / Jeju

국립제주대학교 or제주대학교

B, MD and M: 2009

BE: 2012

Kangnung National University / Gangneung National University, Gangneung

국립강릉대학교 or강릉대학교

B and M: 2005 - 2009

LLB: 2005 - 2008

Kangwon National University, Chunchon / Chuncheon

국립강원대학교 or 강원대학교

B and M: 1990

BE: 2009

LLB: 1990 - 2008

MD: 2001

Konkuk University, Seoul



B and M: 1980

BE: 2008

MD: 1992

LLB: 1990 - 2008

Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST 1990 - 2008), Daejeon


B and M: 1990


Korea Maritime and Ocean University, Busan / Pusan


B and M: 2000

BE: 2007

Korea National University of Education, Cheongwon


M: 1995

Korea University, Seoul


B, MD and M: 1980

BE: 2008

LLB: 1980 - 2008

Kumoh National Institute of Technology (Kit), Gumi

국립금오공과대학교 or금오공과대학교

B and M: 2005

BE: 2010

Kyung Hee University / Kyunghee University, Seoul


B, MD and M: 1980

BE: 2009

Kyungpook National University, Daegu / Taegu

국립경북대학교 or 경북대학교


B, MD and M: 1980

BE: 2009

LLB: 1980 - 2008

Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Pohang


B and M: 2000


Pukyong National University, Busan / Pusan

국립부경대학교 or 부경대학교

B and M: 1996

BE: 2007

Pusan National University, Busan / Pusan

국립부산대학교 or 부산대학교


B, MD and M: 1980

BE: 2007

LLB: 1980 - 2008

Sejong University, Seoul


B and M: 2000

BE: 2011

Seoul National University, Seoul / 서울대학교

B, MD and M: 1980

BE: 2009

LLB: 1980 - 2008

Sogang University, Seoul


B and M: 1985

BE: 2009

Sookmyung Women's University, Seoul


B and M: 1980

Soongsil University, Seoul



B and M: 1987

BE: 2010

LLB: 1987 - 2008

Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul


B and M: 1980

BE: 2009

MD: 2003

University of Seoul, Seoul


B and M: 2000

BE: 2010

Yonsei University, Seoul



B, MD and M: 1980

BE: 2007

LLB: 1980 - 2008

Effective 30/03/2015


South Korea (28/08/2017)

South Korea (27/01/2014)

South Korea (08/04/2013)

South Korea (14/05/2012)

South Korea (25/07/2011)

South Korea (29/11/2010)

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