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SM10.10 Effect of occupational registration on eligibility for points (to 26/07/2024)

The requirement for occupational registration to undertake the occupations listed above in New Zealand can affect eligibility for points for qualifications and offers of employment.

SM10.10.1 Effect on points for qualifications

  1. This section applies to principal applicants whose recognised qualification is required for employment in one of the occupations listed in SM10.5.
  2. Such qualifications only qualify for points if the principal applicant:
    1. holds evidence of full or provisional registration in that occupation in New Zealand, if full or provisional registration is required by New Zealand law to undertake that employment; or
    2. has an offer of skilled employment (see SM6) in that occupation and holds evidence from the New Zealand Medical or Dental Council that they are eligible for full or provisional registration subject only to attending a personal interview with a Council representative within one month of their arrival in New Zealand; or
    3. has current skilled employment or an offer of skilled employment (see SM6) in an occupation that does not require registration; or
    4. has post-qualification work experience in an occupation for which registration is not required in New Zealand, and were employed in that occupation for the same or a greater period of time than in an occupation for which registration is required by law in New Zealand.

Note: For medical practitioners, registration within a 'special purpose scope of practice' is not full or provisional registration for the purpose of a residence class visa application or a work to residence application.

Note: For teachers, ‘provisional’ registration includes both ‘provisional’ and ‘subject to confirmation’ registration.

SM10.10.5 Effect on points for skilled employment

If a principal applicant's qualifications are affected by registration requirements, the principal applicant's current skilled employment or offer of skilled employment in New Zealand will only qualify for points if the principal applicant:

  1. holds evidence of full or provisional registration in that occupation in New Zealand, if registration is required by New Zealand law to undertake that employment; or
  2. has an offer of skilled employment (see SM6) in that occupation and holds evidence from the New Zealand Medical or Dental Council that they are eligible for full or provisional registration subject only to attending a personal interview with a Council representative in New Zealand; or
  3. has current skilled employment, or an offer of skilled employment (see SM6), in New Zealand in an occupation that does not require registration.

Note: For medical practitioners, registration within a 'special purpose scope of practice' is not full or provisional registration for the purpose of a residence class visa application or a work to residence application.

Effective 28/08/2017


SM10.1 Aim and intent (to 26/07/2024)

SM10.5 Occupations requiring registration (to 26/07/2024)

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