The following qualifications awarded by the institutions listed below qualify for the points indicated:
*Abbreviations used are for the purposes of this list only and are not stated on the award certificates.
** If an applicant believes their qualification may be higher than the level stated they should apply to NZQA for an International Qualification Assessment.
The following institutions may award all qualifications specified below from the dates shown for the specific institution. For the purposes of the List of Qualifications Exempt from Assessment, 'any date' or 'until' refers to a date on or after 1960.
Institution Name
(Previous names and dates of change are indicated in brackets. Names and dates of institutions included are only for the purposes of the List of Qualifications Exempt from Assessment.)
Qualifications Awarded
Aalborg Universitet / Aalborg University (Aalborg University Centre 1974-1994)
B, CD/KG & PhD from 1993
C & L from 1974 - 1993
M from 1974 - 2007
D from 1974
Aarhus Universitet / Aarhus University
B, CD/KG & PhD from 1993
C & L from 1970 - 1993
M from 1970 - 2007
D from 1970
Arkitektskolen i Århus / The Aarhus School of Architecture
C & L from 1970 - 1993
B from 1996
CD/KG from 1998
PhD & D from 2001
Danmarks Farmaceutiske Højskole / Danish School of Pharmacy (until 2006)
B, CD/KG & PhD from 1993 - 2006
C & L until 1993
M & D until 2006
Danmarks Biblioteksskole / The Royal School of Library and Information Science
C until 1993
CD/KG from 2002
B & PhD from 2003
Danmarks Designskole / Danish School of Design
B from 1995
Danmarks Medie- og Journalisthøjskole / The Danish Media and School of Journalism (Danmarks Journalisthøjskole / The Danish School of Journalism until 2008)
B from 1993
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet / The Technical University of Denmark
B, CD/KG & PhD from 1993
C & L until 1993
M until 2007
D from any date
Den Grafiske Hojskole af Danmark, Kobenhavn (until 2007)
C until 1993
B from 1993 - 2007
Det Fynske Musikkonservatorium / Carl Nielsen Academy of Music Odense
C until 1993
B from 1996
CD/KG from 1995
Det Jyske Musikkonservatorium / The Royal Academy of Music, Århus (1968-2009)
C from 1968 - 1993
CD/KG from 1995 - 2009
B from 1996 - 2009
Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademis Skoler - Arkitektskolen / The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture
C & L until 1993
M until 2007
CD/KG from 2008
B from 2009
PhD from 2010
Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademis Skoler - Billedkunstskolerne / The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Visual Arts
C from 1979 - 1993
Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademis Skoler - Konservatorskolen / The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Conservation
B from 1993
C from 1979 - 1993
CD/KG & PhD from 2009
Den Kongelige Veterinær- og Landbohøjskole / The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University (until 2006)
B, CD/KG & PhD from 1993 - 2006
C & L until 1993
M & D until 2006
Det Kongelige Danske Musikkonservatorium / The Royal Danish Academy of Music (any date)
C until 1993
B from 2010
CD/KG from 2010
Det Kongelige Musikkonservatorium / The Royal Academy of Music (2010)
B & CD/KG from 2010
Handelshøjskolen i Århus / Aarhus School of Business
B from 1993
C & L until 1993
M until 2007
PhD & D from 1999
Handelshøjskolen i København / Copenhagen Business School
B, CD/KG & PhD from 1993
C & L from 1969 - 1993
M until 2007
D from 1969
Ingeniørhøjskolen i Århus / Aarhus School of Engineering
CD/KG from 2010
Ingeniørhøjskolen i København / Copenhagen University College of Engineering
B from 1999
IT-Universitetet i København / The IT University of Copenhagen
CD/KG from 2005
B & PhD from 2006
Københavns Universitet / University of Copenhagen
B, CD/KG & PhD from 1993
C & L from 1970 - 1993
M from 1970 - 2007
D from 1970
Nordjysk Musikkonservatorium / Academy of Music, Aalborg (1976-2009)
C from 1976 - 1993
CD/KG from 1995 - 2009
B from 1996 - 2009
Odense Universitet
C from 1966 - 1993
M & D from 1966 - 1997
Professionshøjskoler i København / University College of Copenhagen
B from 2010
Professionshøjskoler i Lillebælt / University College Lillebælt
B from 2010
Professionshøjskoler Metropol / University College Metropol (The Multidisciplinary University College of Copenhagen)
B from 2010
Professionshøjskoler i Nordjylland / University College of North Jutland (University College of Northern Denmark)
B from 2010
Professionshøjskoler i Sjælland / University College of Sealand
B from 2009
Professionshøjskoler Syddanmark / University College South Denmark
B & CD/KG from 2010
Roskilde Universitetscenter / Roskilde University
L from 1975 - 1993
C from 1977 - 1993
D from 1989
B, CD/KG & PhD from 1996
Rytmisk Musikkonservatorium / Rhythmic Music Conservatory
C from 1991 - 1993
B from 1996
CD/KG from 1995
Syddansk Universitet / University of Southern Denmark
CD/KG, PhD & D from 1998
M from 1998 - 2007
Vestjysk Musikkonservatorium / West Jutland Academy of Music, Esbjerg
C from 1972 - 1993
B from 1993
CD/KG from 1995
VIA Professionshøjskoler / VIA University College
B from 2010