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D10.1 Offence provisions

The Immigration Act 1987 contains several offence provisions. Those most likely to give rise to prosecution are:

  1. Section 39(1) - an employer who allows a person to undertake employment knowing that that person is not entitled to under the Act.
  2. Section 40(1) - an 'educator' (person conducting a course of study or training) who allows a person to undertake a course of study or training knowing that that person is not entitled to under the Act.
  3. Section 125(6) - a carrier, or person in charge of a craft failing, without reasonable excuse to carry out their responsibilities under the Act.
  4. Section 126(4) - any person who:
    1. completes an arrival or departure card in a manner knowing it to be false or misleading in any particular; or
    2. fails to comply with the requirements for persons arriving in or leaving New Zealand.
  5. Section 142 - a range of general offences against the Act.
  6. Section 136(2) - any person failing to comply with a request from an immigration officer who has good cause to suspect the person has committed an offence under section 142 of the Act.

Effective 01/10/1999

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