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WI5.15 Domestic staff of seconded senior executives

  1. Senior executives of companies or international organisations on secondment to New Zealand may bring with them their domestic staff, provided that they can show that these staff members have been an integral part of their lifestyle before coming to New Zealand.
  2. Domestic staff employed by seconded senior executives must:
    1. be single and over 18, or,
    2. if married, have no children or dependants, and both partners must be offered employment with the same employer; and
    3. leave New Zealand on termination of their employment or when the employer's period of secondment is complete (whichever comes first), unless applicants qualify to remain under other immigration policies; and
    4. accept that family members are not eligible for visas or permits to join relatives who are domestic staff.

WI5.15.1 Evidential requirements for domestic staff of seconded senior executives

Visa and immigration officers should sight the following:

  1. a job guarantee, including written confirmation from the employer that the applicant will be employed and paid in accordance with New Zealand employment law; and
  2. a guarantee of accommodation and repatriation from the employer; and
  3. written acknowledgment from the employer confirming that:
    1. the domestic employee's entry to New Zealand is approved only to accompany the family while they are temporarily resident here; and
    2. if the employer applies for residence in New Zealand, both parties accept and understand that any approval of the application would not include their domestic staff.

Effective 29/04/2002

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