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WS4 Currency of specific purpose or event permits (29/04/2002)
  1. The currency of a specific purpose or event permit must relate to the time required for the holder to complete the specific purpose or event.
  2. The maximum duration of permits, including a short grace period within which the permit holder can leave New Zealand after they have completed their specific purpose or event, are:
    1. Business persons on short term secondments – 12 months;
    2. Entertainers, performing artists, film and video production crew, and associated support personnel – for the period requested;
    3. Sports players and professional sports coaches – 12 months, or up to a maximum of three years in the case of coaches employed at national or regional level;
    4. Show judges and sports referees – for the length of their engagement and not usually more than six months;
    5. Dance and music examiners – for the period of their examinations and not usually more than six months;
    6. Pastors and lay missionaries – three years;
    7. Installers and servicers of machinery – three months;
    8. Direct investment visas for Business Investor category residence applicants – 12 months;
    9. Executive staff of multinational companies on long term secondment – three years.

Effective 29/04/2002

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