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N2.10 General Rules for Transit Visas

Immigration Act 1987 ss 14E, 129
Immigration Regulations 1999 regs 3 and 8

  1. Transit visas may be issued to applicants who:
    1. apply in the prescribed manner (see N3.10.1) for a transit visa, and
    2. have a stated and genuine intention to be in New Zealand only for the purpose of reaching a further destination, and
    3. will be confined to a transit area during the whole of their stay in New Zealand, and
    4. will not be in New Zealand longer than 24 hours.
  2. Holders of transit visas may not remain in New Zealand for more than 24 hours.
  3. People who make a stopover for more than 24 hours, or who intend leaving the transit area, must apply for a temporary visa other than a transit visa.
  4. Holders of transit visas are not entitled to apply for any type of permit to be in New Zealand.

Effective 29/04/2002


N2.10 General rules for transit visas (26/07/1999)

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