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A3.15 Retaining evidence of entitlement to exemption

Immigration Act 1987 s 38

People exempt from having to hold a permit must keep in their possession or under their control evidence that they are entitled to exemption, unless they have been required to give up that evidence.

A3.15.1 Acceptable evidence of entitlement to exemption for diplomatic and consular staff

  1. A "diplomatic" or "official" passport is not in itself sufficient evidence that diplomatic or consular privileges and immunity have been extended in New Zealand.
  2. Acceptable evidence of entitlement to an exemption as diplomatic and consular staff, or dependants, is a permit exemption label in the passport marked "DIPLOMATIC /OFFICIAL" with one of the designations deleted.

A3.15.5 Acceptable evidence of entitlement to exemption under section 11

Evidence of entitlement to an exemption under section 11 (exemptions other than for diplomatic and consular staff) includes (but is not limited to):

  • evidence of identity, and
  • any other evidence the immigration officer considers necessary.

Effective 26/07/1999

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