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WK1.5 Assessment of skill level

  1. Assessment of the skill level of an occupation for the purposes of Essential Skills work policy is primarily based on the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO), which classifies occupations according to the skill level required to perform the tasks of each occupation.
  2. To assess the skill level of an occupation using the ANZSCO, visa and immigration officers must be satisfied that the offer of employment substantially matches the description for that occupation (including core tasks) as set out in the ANZSCO.
  3. When assessing whether an applicant is suitably qualified by training or experience for a particular occupation, a visa or immigration officer must consider whether:
    1. the applicant holds a relevant qualification which is comparable to the qualification described for that occupation in the ANZSCO; or
    2. the applicant has the relevant work experience that the ANZSCO indicates may substitute for the required qualification; or
    3. the employment is in an occupation included on the Long Term Skill Shortage List or the Immediate Skill Shortage List and the applicant meets the relevant requirements specified for that occupation.
  4. Visa and immigration officers must be satisfied that the qualifications and/or work experience provided by the applicant are relevant to their proposed job in New Zealand.

Note: The ANZSCO is available at

Effective 28/07/2008

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