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advanced qualification


From policy: G3.5 Definitions (General Skills Category)

G3.5.5 Definition of 'New Zealand advanced qualification'

  1. A New Zealand advanced qualification means a New Zealand degree, diploma, certificate, trade qualification, or other course of study that:
    1. requires completion of a New Zealand base qualification (see G3.5.1 above) for entry (or has entry requirements that are a New Zealand base qualification but are in some instances waived by the issuing institution); and
    2. has a completion time equivalent to at least one year of full-time training, study or (if a course requirement) work experience.
  2. Some New Zealand qualifications that do not meet this definition will nevertheless be accepted by the NZIS as 'advanced qualifications', namely:
    1. New Zealand Diploma in Science
    2. New Zealand Diploma in Surface Coatings Technology
    3. National Diploma in Accountancy
    4. Bachelor's Degree with Honours
    5. Postgraduate Diploma

Effective 26/07/1999

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