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acceptable offer of employment

From policy: F6.5 Definitions (Sibling and adult child policy)

F6.5.20 Definition of 'acceptable offer of employment'

  1. Offers of employment are acceptable if they are for ongoing and sustainable employment with a single employer, or for one or more contracts totalling at least 6 months, if the principal applicant has provided evidence of having had at least two years of contract work (see F6.5.25 below); and
  2. for full-time employment (see F6.5.30 below), and
  3. current at the time of assessing the application and at the time of issue of the visa or grant of the permit (see F6.20), and
  4. genuine, and
  5. for a position that is paid by salary or wages (positions of self-employment, payment by commission and/or retainer are not acceptable), and
  6. accompanied by evidence of full or provisional registration, if full or provisional registration is required by law to take up the offer, and
  7. compliant with all relevant employment law in force in New Zealand.

    Note: Compliance with relevant New Zealand employment law includes but is not limited to:
    ~ a written employment agreement that contains the necessary statutory specified terms and conditions
    ~ paying employees no less than the appropriate adult or youth minimum wage
    ~ meeting holiday and special leave requirements or other minimum statutory criteria
    ~ meeting occupational safety and health obligations.

Effective 24/04/2006

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