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Acceptable investments: Parent retirement visas

If you are applying for a Parent Retirement Resident Visa, you must invest your money in an acceptable investment.

What makes an investment acceptable

If we approve your application in principle, you have 12 months to transfer your funds to New Zealand and invest in an acceptable investment.

Transferring investment funds

Acceptable investments must:

Investments must be bonds, equities or property.

Bonds can be:

Equity can be:

Property can be residential property development.

Types of acceptable investments

Residential property development

We consider a residential property development to be an acceptable investment if:

You cannot include any funds used to pay for the costs of any regulatory approvals or consents as part of your acceptable investment.

When your investment period begins

If we decide the funds in your name in your visa application are already in acceptable investments, your investment period begins on the day we write to you to let you know your application has been approved in principle.

If you transfer your funds into an acceptable investment after we approve your application in principle, the investment period begins on the date you have transferred and invested all of the required investment funds.

Keeping your funds invested

How long you must keep your funds invested in New Zealand depends on the kind of visa you have.

Check the conditions of your visa

Changing your acceptable investment during the investment period

You can move your investment funds from one acceptable investment to another during the investment period. You have 4 weeks to complete these transactions. This means that within 4 weeks of receiving the full sale proceeds, the funds must be fully reinvested into further acceptable investments. The funds cannot be left as cash for more than 4 weeks.

To make sure we will accept the new investment, contact us before moving your investment. Email:

You must keep a record of the documents if you change your investments. These can include:

You must show that the funds are invested or kept in New Zealand for your required investment period.