2017-Oct 06: Timeframe for additional medical information

Visa Pak 330 - Information for immigration processing staff, advising when it is appropriate to request a doctor's letter that explains delays in providing additional medical documents or tests.

Visa Paks

06 October 2017

Timeframe for additional medical information

The Chief Medical Officer has advised that some immigration officers have been requesting applicants provide a letter from their General Practitioner (GP) explaining the reason for the delay if medical information is not going to be available by the Potentially Prejudicial Information (PPI) response due date. Additional medical reports or tests often take longer than 10 working days. If an applicant has provided an appointment to obtain the requested information as part of their PPI response, a letter from a GP is not required. 


PPI letters should state that applicants have 10 working days to provide additional medical information, or evidence of an appointment to obtain this information. If no response is received from the applicant by the due date, a decision can be made. 

If all other issues have been resolved by the due date and evidence of an appointment has been provided, an extension to enable the applicant to provide the medical information should be considered. 

Some medical information may take a substantial period of time for applicants to obtain following an appointment. If immigration officers are concerned about the time taken, they may request an update from the applicant. It should not be an expectation that medical professionals will provide updates on a regular basis.