2017-Mar 17: Engineering, Engineering Technology and Information Technology Qualifications – Washington, Sydney and Seoul Accord information

Visa Pak 302: Information on Engineering, Engineering and Information Technology qualifications that fall under the Washington, Sydney, and Seoul Accords.

Visa Paks

17 March 2017

Previous advice to staff (3 June 2016) provided information on how to assess whether a qualification is accredited under the Washington Accord for engineering qualifications, and the Sydney Accord for engineering technology qualifications. The New Zealand Qualifications Authority has now provided updated instructions on how to assess these qualifications, along with new instructions for computing and information technology qualifications under the Seoul Accord.

The Washington Accord is an international agreement that covers professional engineering degrees. Postgraduate level programs are not covered. Therefore, the qualification must be the applicant’s initial or first qualification in the field at an undergraduate level. There are currently 18 signatories that make up the Washington Accord, as well as six provisional members.

www.ieagreements.org/accords/washington/ for more information

Flowing from the Washington Accord, a similar agreement was developed for engineering technologists. The Sydney Accord was signed in 2001 and covers engineering technology qualifications. This operates in the same way as the Washington Accord. There are currently 10 signatories along with one provisional member.

www.ieagreements.org/accords/sydney/ for more information

The Seoul Accord is an international accreditation agreement developed in 2008 for professional computing and information technology qualifications. This is similar in its operation to the Washington and Sydney Accords but operates separately to these and the other Accords overseen by the International Engineering Alliance. There are currently eight signatories and three provisional members.

www.seoulaccord.org for more information

If in doubt about any of the qualifications listed under the Washington and Sydney Accords, please refer to the Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand. For any issues with the Seoul Accord, please refer to the Institute of IT Professionals New Zealand.