2016-Feb 05: Clarification on who can authorise a new border alert, travel document alert or branch warning

Visa Pak 245: Clarification for staff on who can authorise a new border, travel document, or branch warning alert.

Visa Paks

5 February 2016

Clarification on who can authorise a new border alert, travel document alert or branch warning

The purpose of this advice is to clarify Sections 17 and 18 of IAC 14/02 published on 27 June 2014.

Section 17 states:

All new border alerts MUST be authorised by an Area Manager (AM), Assistant Area Manager (AAM) or Market Manager (MM).

Section 18 states:

All new branch warnings or travel document alerts MUST be authorised by an Area Manager (AM), Assistant Area Manager (AAM), Market Manager (MM) or Immigration Manager (IM). However an Immigration Officer (IO) may authorise the following branch warnings:

    a) Medical Information Warning; and
    b) MFAT ODA Funded Student; and
    c) Declined application.


To ensure clarity of our practices to both internal and external stakeholders, staff able to authorise border alerts, branch warnings and travel document alerts as required by sections 17 and 18 of IAC 14/02 include those performing the role of Risk Manager.

Please discuss this information with your team(s).