2016-Dec 09: Skilled Migrant Category – Identified Future Growth Area Bonus Points

Visa Pak 289: Information on Identified Future Grown Area Bonus points and how someone would be eligible for them.

Visa Paks

9 December 2016

Applicants under the Skilled Migrant Category (SMC) can claim bonus points for skilled employment, work experience and qualifications in an identified future growth area (IFGA) under immigration instructions SM8, SM13 and SM16. IFGAs are as follows:

  • Biotechnology
  • Information Communications Technology
  • Creative Industries (Advertising, Software & Computing Services, Publishing, TV and Radio, Film and Video, Architecture, Design, Designer Fashion, Music and Performing Arts, Visual Arts).

In order to award bonus points in an IFGA, the applicant’s employment must be in one of the areas listed above. As indicated by the Aim and Intent provision at SM8.1, immigration officers should be assessing the applicant’s occupation, not the employer’s business. Bonus points cannot be awarded if an applicant’s employer operates in an IFGA but the applicant’s occupation is not in an IFGA. The focus is on the skills that the applicant is bringing to New Zealand to contribute towards New Zealand’s economic development.


This is the use of biological processes, organisms, or systems to manufacture products intended to improve the quality of human life. The Oxford English Dictionary defines ‘biotechnology’ as:

The exploitation of biological processes for industrial and other purposes, especially the genetic manipulation of microorganisms for the production of antibiotics, hormones, etc.

The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity defines it as:

Any technological application that uses biological systems, living organisms, or derivatives thereof, to make or modify products or processes for specific use.

Information Communications Technology –
If an applicant is awarded points for skilled employment for an occupation under ANZSCO Sub-Major Group 26 (ICT Professionals), they will be eligible for bonus points in an IFGA.

Creative Industries –
The term ‘creative industries’ describes occupations with creativity at their heart. It is concerned with the generation and commercialisation of creativity, ideas, knowledge and information. The British Government’s Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) defines it as:

Those industries which have their origin in individual creativity, skill and talent and which have a potential for wealth and job creation through the generation of exploitation of intellectual property.

The industries listed under the DCMS are the same as those in brackets under SM8/SM13/SM16. Bonus points will only be awarded for employment in Creative Industries where the applicant’s employment falls under one of the areas listed in brackets.

It is possible that the applicant’s employment may qualify even if the employer does not operate in an Identified future growth area and vice versa. The following examples will help clarify.


  1. Applicant A has an offer of employment as an ICT Support Engineer for a District Health Board.
    Applicant A IS eligible to claim bonus points for employment in an IFGA – the applicant’s occupation is in an IFGA (Information Communications Technology) so is eligible for bonus points despite the fact the applicant’s employer does not operate in an IFGA.
  2. Applicant B has an offer of employment as an Accountant for a Radio Network.
    Applicant B IS NOT eligible to claim bonus for employment in an IFGA – while the applicant’s employer operates in an IFGA (Creative Industries – TV and Radio), the applicant’s occupation is not.