2014-Jun 13: Supporting migrants and employers of migrants in aged care

Visa Pak 166: Guidelines for INZ staff in supporting an aging population and migrants and employers of migrants working in the aged care industry

Visa Paks

13 June 2014

Supporting migrants and employers of migrants in aged care

The number of people aged 65 and over in NZ has doubled since 1980 and exceeded 600,000 in 2013. This number is likely to double again by 2036. This growth will drive an increased need for workers, and whilst efforts are being made to source workers from within New Zealand, the demand will need to be met from both onshore and migrant workers. The Settlement Unit, in collaboration with other MBIE staff and sector stakeholders in aged care, has produced two new guides.

A Guide for Migrants: Working in Aged Care in New Zealand and

A Guide for Employers: Are you employing migrant workers in Aged Care?

The first will assist new migrants coming to work in Aged Care in NZ to plan and prepare well.

The second provides employers in the Aged Care sector with useful information on how to support their new migrant workers so they will settle quickly into work and life in NZ.

Top countries for visas working in the Aged Care sector in New Zealand are:

  • Philippines
  • Pacific nations predominately from SQ and PAC categories in Tonga, Samoa, Fiji, Kiribati and Tuvalu
  • India
  • China


  • Copies can be ordered from Settlement at settlement.information@mbie.govt.nz
  • Offices promote the guides through local communications channels where possible. (Display, insert with returned applications)