2014-Apr 04: File Transfers

Visa Pak 155 - Guidelines about file transfers in AMS including the process and relevant notes required to be made.

Visa Paks

4 April 2014

File Transfers

Recently there have been instances where a lack of documented file transfers in AMS and/or lack of AMS notes have resulted in files being lost or misplaced. In some cases this has resulted in complaints to the Chief Archivist of Archives NZ (ANZ) who in response has asked that a formal investigation be carried out.

In order for INZ to meet internal performance standards, comply with legislative requirements and ensure that all files are comprehensively tracked, please ensure all staff correctly transfer files in AMS and add clear AMS notes.

Process in AMS for transferring a file: AMS is used to show at which office the physical application is being held. It is important to update the location in AMS for each application when transferring from office to office.

Files can be transferred using either the AMS ‘Transfer File’ function on the ‘Client Files’ tab or the ‘Bulk File’ transfer under ‘AMS Lookups’. Upon receipt of the application(s) they are to be receipted using the AMS ‘Client Files’ tab, ‘Pick List’ icon.

AMS Notes: Clear notes must also be written in AMS when transferring the file. Please follow the below example of an AMS note when transferring a file.

"File Transferred to …….. office from …….. office. (Note reason for transfer). File has been transferred in AMS and was transferred on ../../.."

IAC 10/04 ‘Guidelines for Standard AMS input’ provides standards and guidelines for the entry of notes into AMS. Operations Support is currently updating this IAC and will issue a new version shortly.


Please ensure all INZ File Coordinators and staff that work within AMS know the correct process to follow when transferring a file and ensure clear notes are entered in AMS.