2011-Feb 11: Add warnings on AMS for New Zealand Aid Programme (NZAP) students

Visa Pak 4: Reminder to staff to add warnings on AMS for New Zealand Aid Programme (NZAP) students, their partners and dependants.

Visa Paks

11 February 2011

Reminder to add warnings on AMS for New Zealand Aid Programme (NZAP) students, their partners and dependants

When an NZAP (previously called NZAID) application is approved it is important for officers to raise a warning under MFAT ODA funded student. This warning must be raised for the student, partner and any dependants. The text below can be used as a template for such warnings:

NZAP-supported student/partner/dependant – the NZAP scholarship is valid until [enter date]. Any further visas cannot exceed this date unless there is written approval from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as per instruction U11.1 (d) -  "Any NZAP-supported student, or their partner or dependent children may only be granted a visa for New Zealand in the two-year period following completion of the NZAP student's scholarship, with written approval from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (with the exception of a work visa to complete course requirements or a short-term visitor visa)."

When an NZAP (previously called NZAID) application is approved it is important for officers to . The text below can be used as a template for such warnings: